Group Discounts: Reunion Central

The Dartmouth Co-op has been providing Reunion Classes, mini-reunions, affinity groups and on-campus clubs/organizations with merchandise for over forty years. With one click you can be in contact with a buyer/customer service pro who will understand your needs and who can research the availability of products to meet them.

There are some very good reasons why the Co-op and can satisfy your Dartmouth needs better than any other supplier:

The Co-op is price competitive on an "apples to apples" basis. Prices on merchandise vary greatly depending on the weight and content of a garment and on whether you prefer embroidery or silkscreen to deliver your message.  The same qualitative questions apply to gift items. We can provide a list of questions that should be addressed for each item in which you have an interest. Only then you can discover whether you are trying to compare only apples or apples or oranges.  When you have settled on one item with clear specifications, we know you will find the Co-op on budget with pricing.

We deal everyday with the manufacturers who know the critical difference between "Dartmouth Green" and all other "greens". We know that Dartmouth College requires approval of all items using its protected insignia, whether royalty is applicable or not.  We know (and only use) vendors selling Dartmouth products must be licensed by the College and must be members of FLA (an organization dedicated to protecting worker’s rights and working conditions).  The Co-op does it Legal and does it Right!

We have staff in Hanover to work with you during the selection process. We can expedite your selections online or we can arrange to visit with you and your selection committee. We can provide actual merchandise samples, not just pictures, for your evaluation.

Merchandise you select is delivered to the Co-op and inspected before it ever comes to you. If there are any last minute problems, we are on site to solve them. If your event is in Hanover, we deliver the merchandise exactly when and where you want--no worry about storage or moving big boxes to a Registration Area.

All year we pay royalty to Dartmouth on every item we sell-and we do that with great pride. Since no vendor, including the Co-op, pays royalty on group or reunion sales, we have the opportunity to provide you with great products at prices that reflect this College waiver.

We can also provide our great merchandise items for your corporate, service, religious or sports group. Show us your logo (no Harvard logos please) and tell us what you want!